Security Audit By Radically Open Security

We are happy to announce that Padloc has completed yet another security audit! Between March 23 and May 27, 2022, the fantastic people at Radically Open Security carried out a penetration test on Padloc version 4.
The full report can be found here, but for those of you who don't want to read the whole thing, here is a summary:
We discovered 2 Elevated, 2 Moderate and 1 Low -severity issues during this penetration test. The communication between ROS and Padloc was excellent, which resulted in discussions in the chat environment of ROS and fixes from Padloc before the conclusion of the audit.
No high or critical issues were found and the amount of elevated, moderate and low severity findings indicate a robust code base at the implementation level. The server, app, pwa, cordova, extension, core and tauri packages were audited and were found to implement solid cryptographic primitives and hardened rendering libraries. The code seem to be well written and no major implementation issues were found.
However, architecturally, there are fundamental challenges Padloc still faces in order to achieve the design goals of a zero-trust and secure password storage. These challenges are inherent to the chosen technologies: As a web-based password manager, users have to trust the served JavaScript code. [...] This is a known issue with other projects with similar design constraints, where end-to-end encryption is used in the context of a web browser. [...] As these issues are commonly accepted risks, we recommend qualifying these in the documentation and adjusting the claims of "no explicit trust" accordingly or investigate moving to other, native technologies.
The filed issues were all marked as resolved. Either by fixing the issue completely, or by accepting and documenting certain risks. Further improvements were made by hardening the CSP and implementing a helper tool, which publishes hashsums of all files generated during releases. This tool and instructions how to verify server side files can help to assert if server side assets or code were changed beyond the official release. [...] We further encourage Padloc to engage in research for further hardening against advanced adversaries, but the current implementation seems like a reasonable secure implementation and we can recommend usage in productive environments.
Instructions on how to use the code verification tool mentioned in the report can be found here.
We'd like to thank the entire team at Radically Open Security for the pleasant collaboration and interesting and fruitful exchanges during the audit, as well as Open Tech Fund who graciously funded this audit.
If you'd like to learn more about the security architecture behind Padloc, please refer to our security whitepaper or reach out to us directly at!